This preliminary program for the SPIS trainning is still under definition and may be modified without notification until the "Winter School 2012" session.
1st day session
08.00 - 10.00: Part I - The modelling chain and the SPIS-UI framework
- 1) Global overview of plasma and spacecraft surface interaction concepts
- 2) General presentation of the SPIS-UI framework
- 2.1) Global overview
- 2.2) Presentation of the Graphical User Interface
- 2.3) Concept of Integrated Modelling Environment (IME)
- 3) Step-by-step approach on a representative example
- 3.1) Presentation of the «spis project» data structure
- 3.2) Introduction to the geometrical modelling with Geometry Manager and Gmsh
- 3.3) Concept of geometrical groups
- 3.4) Initial and Boundary Conditions (IBC) and material properties attributions and settings
- 3.5) Meshing and tricks
- 3.6) Groups conversion and fields mapping
- 3.7) Global parameters settings
- 3.8) Simulation launching and control
- 3.9) Data extraction and analysis
- 3.10) Presentation of the post-processing tools
10.00 - 10.15: Coffee break
10.15 - 12.30: Part II: SPIS-NUM control: numerical models selection and use
- 1) General presentation of the SPIS-NUM capabilities
- Available Documentation
- “How to” html pages : Controlling Num from UI is the reference document
- 2) Detailed presentation of :
- A/ the physics;
- B/ NUM models and solvers; and
- C/ HOW TO USE them from UI
- 2.1) Plasma
- 2.1.1) Matter dynamics
- 2.1.2) Matter sources
- 2.1.3) Field model (E-B)
- 2.1.4) Volume interactions
- 2.1.5) Space resolution, time steps and tricks
- 2.2) Spacecraft
- 2.2.1) Material properties, including secondary emission and photoemission
- 2.2.2) Equivalent circuit
- 2.2.3) Artificial particle sources
- 2.2.4) Time steps and tricks
- 2.2.5) Current scalers
- 2.3) Other features
12.30 - 14.00: Lunch
14.00 - 18.00: Part III: Hands on training
Long Debye length regime : GEO spacecraft simulation- 1) Description: worst-case environment, representative spacecraft (eventually in eclipse exit)
- 2) The physics to catch : inverted potential gradient situation with large negative potentials
- 3) Defining the simulation settings
- 3.1) Geometry and mesh settings
- 3.2) Material properties
- 3.3) Initial and boundary conditions
- 3.4) Plasma environment
- 3.5) Barrier of potential
- 3.6) Time steps
- 3.7) Accuracy and efficiency
- 4) Results interpretation
2nd day
08.00 - 12.00: Short Debye length regime : LEO or Solar Wind simulation
- 1) Description: spherical probe covered with dielectrics submitted to a dense drifting plasma and solar flux
- 2) The physics to catch : photoelectron barrier of potential, wake, differential charging
- 3) Defining the simulations settings
- 3.1) Mesh resolution
- 3.2) Boundary conditions
- 3.3) Plasma model
- 3.2) Time steps
- 3.3) Accuracy and efficiency
- 4) Interpretation of the results
12.00 - 13.30: lunch
13.30 - 17.30: Part IV: Advanced Uses
Example of list of “practical cases” will be defined and may include focused items like:- 1) A few advices to define properly an external boundary shape adapted to my model.
- 2) Some recommendations for plasma models selection.
- 3) How to define and control a multi-species particle source
- 4) A possible approach to model a solar array or a thin wire.
- 5) How can I check my mesh ?
- 6) How can I process and export my results ?
- 7) The refined taste to the “numerical steps”.
- 8) How can I set transitions within the course of the simulation ?
17.30 to end: Part V: Installation and advanced settings
- 1) Basic installation: But in fact, here is nothing to do!
- 2) Portability issues: an overview of the settings of the natives components of SPIS
- 3) Advanced settings: overview of the settings configuration files
- 4) Some tricks to “optimise SPIS”.