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For news related to SPIS, see SPIS News

Upcoming Events of interest to the SPINE community


Past events






In order to promote contributions from the community, ESA/ESTEC has commissioned this course with the specific aim of expanding knowledge on how to extend the core SPIS capabilities. It was always intended that SPIS would be a toolkit that could be readily modified and expanded and its the modular architecture was adopted for this reason. However, our experience has been that the knowledge on how to modify the code has not expanded far from the original developers and few other users have had the confidence to make modifications to the code.

There are a few spaces available on this course and you are invited to apply to attend until all spaces are filled. There is no charge. The registration dealine has been extended.

Please see here for further information.



will be held at the Kitakyushu International Conference Center in Kitakyushu (Japan) from 14 to 18 May, 2012.





  • 28-29 september, 2009, 15th SPINE meeting, ONERA, Toulouse, France
  • 22 July 2009, anouncement of the release of SPIS 4.0 Release Candidate
  • 20-23 August 2009, Session on "Techniques and instrumentation in space plasma physics" at the IUGG General Assembly Sopron, Hungary.






  • 7-8 December 2004: 8th SPINE Meeting:WG1 Meeting 2 (reports SPIS simulation of WG1 test case), WG2 Meeting 1, SPIS v3.0 release
  • 24-25 June 2004: 7th SPINE Meeting at CNES Toulouse, France
  • 14-17 March 2004: 6th SPINE Meeting : - SPIS course at IRF Kiruna, Sweden
  • 20-24 October 2003: 8th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference, Huntsville, Alabama, USA


  • 16-17 September 2003: 5th SPINE Meeting.
  • 9 July 2003: IUGG 2003 General Assembly Symposium GAIII.11 on "How do Spacecraft Interact With Their Space Environment?", Sapporo, Japan.
  • 25 February 2003: 4th Spine Meeting, Einstein Conference room, ESTEC (25-02-2003 to 26-02-2003)


  • 29 July 2002: ESA ITT for Spacecraft Plasma Interaction Analysis and Simulation Software Toolkit (29-7-2002)
  • 4 March 2002: Cluster Workshop, Mini-Splinter session, Newton-1 conference Room, ESTEC (4-3-2002-9:30)
  • 28 February 2002: 3rd Spine Meeting, Einstein Conference room, ESTEC (28-2-2002-14:00 to 1-3-2002-16:00)
  • 28 February 2002: ECSS, meeting, Einstein, conference room, ESTEC (9:00-13:00)


  • 4 May 2001: Submission of proposal for a EU Research Training Network, SPINET
  • 27 April 2001: 2nd SPINE Meeting (ESTEC, NL)
  • 23-27 April 2001: "2001: A Spacecraft Charging Odyssey", the 7th Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference (ESTEC, NL)
  • 4 December 2001: Workshop on ECSS standard ECSS-E-20-06 (CNES, F)


  • 1 November 2000: Workshop on definition of ECSS standard for Spacecraft Charging, ECSS-E-20-06 (ESTEC, NL).
  • 31 October 2000: 1st SPINE Meeting (ESTEC, NL)
  • 24-25 February 2000: European Round Table on the Modelling of S/C - Plasma Interactions (ESTEC, NL; SPINE K.O.)
  • 31 October 2000: 1st SPINE Meeting (ESTEC, NL)

Last edited by julien at Apr 10, 2019 6:33 PM