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At the 11th SPINE meeting, research activities performed by SPINE members will be presented and discussion will take place on topics of interest to the coordination of the members activities.A course on the newly developed spacecraft plasma interaction SPIS code will take place on 19-20 April.Key-words: spacecraft plasma interactions, spacecraft charging, CAD for space engineering, courses, libreSource, space environment, harmonisation, Open source software.Organisation and Location
These meeting will be held at ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, on 18-19-20 April 2007.Room: Escape Dance RoomPreliminary Programme
Wednesday 18 April: Review of SPINE activities9:00 - 12:30- Software developments
- Research in spacecraft plasma interaction
- Lunch break
- Feedbacks on the community activities
- Status and coordination of the SPINE community
- Management of the future SPIS developments
- General presentation of the SPIS software
- Practical work: Basic study case
- Lunch break
- Practical work on the case study
- Advanced CAD modelling
- Practical work: Introduction of an additional physical process, advanced study case
- Brief introduction for the SPINE developers: How to modify SPIS and how to contribute?
- Lunch break
- Installation, deployment and technical settings: How to install and custome SPIS on my computer "without nightmares”?
- Practical work: Open discussion and practical works on advanced study cases submitted by the community.
Call for research papers for presentations at the SPINE meeting
Requests for presentations on research activities by SPINE membres should be sent to Alain Hilgers (Alain.Hilgers@esa.int)Call for registration
The registration request should contain standard information about the participant and his organisation.It should be sent to David Rodgers (David.Rodgers@esa.int) and Julien Forest (j.forest@artenum.com).
Important dates
22 March : submission and registration deadlineContact
Course organiser: Julien Forest (j.forest@artenum.com)Local organiser: David Rodgers (David.Rodgers@esa.int)
Please send to both adresses.SPINE web site: http://www.spis.org/
Organising committee:
- Julien Forest - Artenum
- Jean-Francois Roussel - ONERA
- David Rodgers - ESA
- Alain Hilgers - ESA