This page gathers all information, data, simulation results and spis-templates related tot eh second modelling of the the DEMETER mission.
- Models and results for hybrid models without booms (appliable for negative spacecraft potential or lowar than the electronic temperature)
- DEMETER-TN2010-10-001.pdf: Electrostatic wake structure for a negative SC hub potential. Main results analysis report on run 21 and 23.
- Full project with all results corresponding to the Run 21: This project is compliant with SPIS 4.3 and can be reloaded directly. All output data are saved in the DataField directory in spis-native format and exported into CNRS/CETP ASCII format into the Exprot directory. Most of the key 2D/3D results are exported in VTK format in the Vtk directory and can be viewed directly by Cassandra or Paraview. Images and screenshot corresponding to the key results are sotred in the Images directory and/or the Reporting directory. The source of the Technical Note DEMETER-TN2010-10-001.pdf are stored in the reporting directory also.
- Full project with all results corresponding to the Run 23: Present the same contens and structure than run 21 but with results of run 23.
- Template project based on run 21: This project is a Spis 4.3 compliant project based on the inputs of run 21 and that can be used for new simulation and evolution. It can be directly loaded by SPIS.
- Template project based on run 23: This project is a Spis 4.3 compliant project based on the inputs of run 23 and that can be used for new simulation and evolution. It can be directly loaded by SPIS.
- Simple sphere model in drifting plasma in full PIC mode:
- Full project with all results corresponding to the Run 24: This project is compliant with SPIS 4.3 and can be reloaded directly. All output data are saved in the DataField directory in spis-native format and exported into CNRS/CETP ASCII format into the Exprot directory. Most of the key 2D/3D results are exported in VTK format in the Vtk directory and can be viewed directly by Cassandra or Paraview. Images and screenshot corresponding to the key results are sotred in the Images directory and/or the Reporting directory.
- Template project based on run 24: This project is a Spis 4.3 compliant project based on the inputs of run 24 and that can be used for new simulation and evolution. It can be directly loaded by SPIS.
Last edited by julien at
Nov 22, 2010 11:21 PM