25 July 2005, Centre de Palais des Congres Pierre Baudis, Toulouse, France.
Announcement and call for abstracts
Active and passive spacecraft systems interact with the plasma environment via various processes which may lead to changes of electrostatic potential, electrical currents, induced plasma, sparks, torques and forces. On one hand these effects can be a limiting factor for certain space plasma measurements and for the operation of space systems. On the other hand, they can be exploited to control the electrostatic environment, generate thrust and power or to investigate new classes of plasma phenomena in space. Topics to be covered include, but are not limited to, spacecraft electrostatic sheath, spacecraft charging, in-flight plasma instrument calibration and data correction, spacecraft borne particle emitters, tether systems, artificial magnetospheres, active plasma devices and experiments in space.
Alain Hilgers, ESA-ESTEC, 2200AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands; (Contact: Alain.Hilgers @ esa.int)
Andrew Coates, Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London, UK.
Abstracts shall be sent to the LOC.
The deadline for submission of abstracts to the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) in Toulouse is March 28, 2005 (electronic submission; two weeks earlier for paper submission).
Symposium programm
There will be oral and poster presentations. Due to the constraint related to the time allocation for this symposium. Papers requested as oral may be moved to the relevant poster session.
The schedule for the two weeks of symposia can also be found at the IAGA website:
and Copernicus web site: together with the descriptions of all symposia.
Posters will be up for a full week and the author is obliged to be present to discuss his/her contribution only between 17:00 and 19:00 on the day of the first oral session of the symposium (but welcome to be present at any other time during the week).
Acceptance/rejection of abstracts
The LOC will inform first authors of submitted abstracts about your acceptance or rejection immediately after the programme is set in April of 2005. At most 3 abstracts per lead-author will be accepted.
Grant applications are due on March 13, 2005 (same deadline as of paper-submitted abstracts). The Secretary General will coordinate and determine all travel grant awards. The results communicated (by the LOC) to the applicants (not earlier than April 2005).
Important dates/periods
- 13 March: Deadline for abstract submission on paper and Grant Request
- 28 March: Electronic submission deadline
- April 4-7: Lead-Conveners decide about acceptance or rejection of abstracts