2014-08-26 10:28:12,380 TRACE BundleController:Project [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Insert home button - 0 2014-08-26 10:28:12,395 TRACE BundleController:Project [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Enable home button - true 2014-08-26 10:28:12,405 TRACE BundleController:Project [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Displays home panel - null 2014-08-26 10:28:12,408 TRACE BundleController:Project [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Insert project configuration button - 1 2014-08-26 10:28:12,411 TRACE BundleController:Project [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Enable project configuration button - false 2014-08-26 10:28:12,422 TRACE BundleController:Geometry Editor [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Inserts the geometry editor button - 2 2014-08-26 10:28:12,450 TRACE BundleController:Geometry Editor [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Enable the geometry editor button - false 2014-08-26 10:28:12,455 TRACE BundleController:Mesh Editor [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Inserts the mesh editor button - 3 2014-08-26 10:28:12,482 TRACE BundleController:Mesh Editor [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Enable the mesh editor button - false 2014-08-26 10:28:12,483 TRACE BundleController:Group Editor [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Inserts the group editor button - 4 2014-08-26 10:28:12,493 TRACE BundleController:Group Editor [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Enable the group editor button - false 2014-08-26 10:28:12,499 TRACE BundleController:Electrical circuit [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Inserts the mesh editor button - 5 2014-08-26 10:28:12,516 TRACE BundleController:Electrical circuit [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Enable the mesh editor button - false 2014-08-26 10:28:12,519 TRACE BundleController:Global Parameters [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Inserts the global parameters editor button - 6 2014-08-26 10:28:12,528 TRACE BundleController:Global Parameters [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Enable the global parameters editor button - false 2014-08-26 10:28:12,532 TRACE BundleController:Simulation [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Inserts the simulation button - 7 2014-08-26 10:28:12,558 TRACE BundleController:Simulation [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Enable the simulation button - false 2014-08-26 10:28:12,561 TRACE BundleController:Data mining [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Inserts the data mining button - 8 2014-08-26 10:28:12,640 TRACE BundleController:Data mining [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Enable the data mining button - false 2014-08-26 10:28:12,643 TRACE BundleController:Reporting [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Inserts the reporting button - 9 2014-08-26 10:28:12,654 TRACE BundleController:Reporting [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Enable the reporting button - false 2014-08-26 10:28:12,655 DEBUG o.k.c.s.i.SCXMLStateMachine [SCXMLStateMachine.java:219] Entering state: org.spis.ui.home 2014-08-26 10:28:20,250 DEBUG BundleController:Project [CommandLogLevel.java:42] Loading SPIS project - /Users/ccheung/Desktop/SPIS/Spis-5.1.6/SphereValidation.spis5 2014-08-26 10:28:21,965 DEBUG o.k.m.g.p.i.GlobalParamXMLReader [GlobalParamXMLReader.java:124] Input Global Parameters List seems to be as simple List (i.e old format) We will try to convert it, but without guaranty... 2014-08-26 10:28:21,976 TRACE BundleController:Project [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Enable home button - true 2014-08-26 10:28:21,977 TRACE BundleController:Project [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Enable project configuration button - true 2014-08-26 10:28:21,978 TRACE BundleController:Geometry Editor [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Enable the geometry editor button - true 2014-08-26 10:28:21,982 TRACE BundleController:Mesh Editor [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Enable the mesh editor button - true 2014-08-26 10:28:21,983 TRACE BundleController:Group Editor [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Enable the group editor button - true 2014-08-26 10:28:21,984 TRACE BundleController:Electrical circuit [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Enable the mesh editor button - true 2014-08-26 10:28:22,006 TRACE BundleController:Global Parameters [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Enable the global parameters editor button - true 2014-08-26 10:28:22,007 TRACE BundleController:Global Parameters [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Displays the global parameters editor - null 2014-08-26 10:28:22,381 TRACE BundleController:Simulation [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Enable the simulation button - false 2014-08-26 10:28:22,382 TRACE BundleController:Data mining [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Enable the data mining button - true 2014-08-26 10:28:22,383 TRACE BundleController:Reporting [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Enable the reporting button - false 2014-08-26 10:28:22,384 DEBUG o.k.c.s.i.SCXMLStateMachine [SCXMLStateMachine.java:219] Entering state: org.spis.ui.global.parameters 2014-08-26 10:28:56,339 DEBUG BundleController:Global Parameters [CommandLogLevel.java:42] Loading global parameters from file - ./resources/defaults/globalParameters/globalParmeters-SimpleSphere.xml 2014-08-26 15:35:28,953 DEBUG BundleController:Global Parameters [CommandLogLevel.java:42] Loading global parameters - Global parameters: cumulateBetweenSteps: 1 None currentLogPlotCutoff: 1.0E-12 [A/m2] currentLogPlotFlag: 2 None currentMapMonitorStep: -10.0 [s] densitiesMapsMonitorStep: -10.0 [s] densityLogPlotCutoff: 0.0010 [ecu/m3] densityLogPlotFlag: 2 None energyMapMonitorStep: -10.0 [s] exportDensity: None None exportPotential: None None finalCumulation: 2 None finalCumulationStartTime: 0.5 [s] or [-] materialPropertyPlots: 1 None numericsMapsMonitorStep: -10.0 [s] numericsMonitorStep: -100.0 [s] particleTrajectoriesNb: 0 None plasmaElecFieldMapMonitorStep: -10.0 [s] plasmaPotMapMonitorStep: -10.0 [s] poissonVerbose: 3 None scCurrentMapMonitorStep: -10.0 [s] scElecFieldMapMonitorStep: -10.0 [s] scPotMapMonitorStep: -10.0 [s] scPotMonitorStep: -100.0 [s] taskDurationVerbose: 3 None verbose: 3 None hmzvdPoissonVlasovLoopNb: 3 None jclfAdjustLoopNb: 3 None jclfCVSpeed: 1.0 None jclfExtractingFieldWeight: 1.0 None jclfLOWerBound: 0.01 None jclfPosChargeWeight: 1.0 None jclfReattractingFieldWeight: 1.0 None jclfSmoothing: 1.0 None jclfUpperBound: 100.0 None neLOWerBoundCoeff: 1.0 None zoneBdElecDensification: 1.0 None crossSectionVolInteract: 1.0e-18 [m2] or None inPart1VolInteract: Xe+ None inPart2VolInteract: Xe None inPop1VolInteract: source1 None inPop2VolInteract: fractionOfFirstPopSource None outPart1VolInteract: Xe+ None outPart2VolInteract: Xe None outPop1DtVolInteract: -1.0 [s] outPop1DurationVolInteract: 0.0 [s] outPop1SpeedUpVolInteract: 1.0 [-] outPop2DtVolInteract: -1.0 [s] outPop2DurationVolInteract: 0.0 [s] outPop2SpeedUpVolInteract: 1.0 [-] parameter1VolInteract: 0.05 [variable] parameter2VolInteract: 0.1 [variable] volInteract: 0.0 None volInteractNb: 2 None volInteractType: CEXInteractor None avPartNbPerCell: 5.0 None electronDensity: 1000000.0 [m-3] electronDensity2: 0.0 [#/m3] electronDistrib: GlobalMaxwellBoltzmannVolDistrib None electronDistrib2: PICVolDistrib None electronDt: -1.0 [s] electronDt2: -1.0 [s] electronSpeedUp: 1.0 [-] electronSpeedUp2: 1.0 [-] electronTemperature: 1.0 [eV] electronTemperature2: 1000.0 [eV] electronVx: 0.0 [m/s] electronVx2: 0.0 [m/s] electronVy: 0.0 [m/s] electronVy2: 0.0 [m/s] electronVz: 0.0 [m/s] electronVz2: 0.0 [m/s] environmentType: BiMaxwellianEnvironment None ionDensity: 1000000.0 [m-3] ionDensity2: 1000000.0 [#/m3] ionDistrib: PICVolDistrib None ionDistrib2: PICVolDistrib None ionDt: -1.0 [s] ionDt2: -1.0 [s] ionDuration: 1.0E-4 [s] ionDuration2: 1.0E-4 [s] ionSpeedUp: 1.0 [-] ionSpeedUp2: 1.0 [-] ionTemperature: 1.0 [eV] ionTemperature2: 1000.0 [eV] ionType: H+ None ionType2: H+ None ionVx: 0.0 [m/s] ionVx2: 0.0 [m/s] ionVy: 0.0 [m/s] ionVy2: 0.0 [m/s] ionVz: 0.0 [m/s] ionVz2: 0.0 [m/s] iterativePusherAbsTolPos: 1.0E-5 [m] iterativePusherAbsTolVelo: 1.0E12 [m/s] iterativePusherRelTolPos: 0.0010 None iterativePusherRelTolVelo: 0.0010 None lmvdSubType: uniform None electronSpeedUp2: 1.0 [-] electronSpeedup: 1.0 [-] ionSpeedUp: 1.0 [-] ionSppedUp2: 1.0 [-] iterGradient: 1000 None iterGradientNl: 1000 None iterLinearSys: 10000 None iterNewton: 100 None linearPoisson: 1 None neutrality: 0 None poissonBCParameter1: 0.0 [varies] poissonBCParameter2: 0.0 [varies] poissonBCType: 2 None tolGradient: 1.0E-6 [-] tolGradientNl: 1.0E-6 [-] tolLinearSys: 1.0E-8 [-] tolNewton: 0.02 [-] vacuum: 0 None variableTe: 0 None variableTeConstant: 1.0 [-] variableTeGamma: 1.1 [-] totGradientN1: 1.0E-4 None iterGradientN1: 100 None tolGradient: 1.0E-4 [-] tolNewton: 0.02 [-] iterNewton: 50 None iterGradient: 100 None sourceDt1: -1.0 [s] sourceDt2: -1.0 [s] sourceDt3: -1.0 [s] sourceDt4: -1.0 [s] sourceFlag1: 0.0 [-] sourceFlag2: 0.0 [-] sourceFlag3: 0.0 [-] sourceFlag4: 0.0 [-] sourceNb: 4 None sourceParticleType1: Xe+ None sourceParticleType2: electron None sourceParticleType3: Cs+ None sourceParticleType4: In+ None sourceSpeedUp1: 1.0 [-] sourceSpeedUp2: 1.0 [-] sourceSpeedUp3: 1.0 [-] sourceSpeedUp4: 1.0 [-] sourceType1: LocalMaxwellSurfDistrib None sourceType2: MaxwellianThruster None sourceType3: LocalMaxwellSurfDistrib None sourceType4: LocalMaxwellSurfDistrib None Bx: 0.0 [T] By: 0.0 [T] Bz: 0.0 [T] barrierCSFlag: 0 [-] bcsGlobalFactor: 10.0 [-] bcsLocalFactor: 1.0 [-] bcsRelValid: 200.0 [-] bcsSmoothdIdV: 30 [-] bcsSmoothI: 0 [-] bcsSmoothPot: 10 [-] electronSecondaryEmission: 0 None electronSecondaryTemperature: 2.0 [eV] erosionProductSpeedUp: 1.0 [-] erosionProductsTrajFlag: 0 None inducedConductivity: 0 None interactorDt1: -1.0 [s] interactorDuration1: 0.0 [s] interactorFlag1: 0.0 [-] interactorNb: 0 None interactorParticleType1: O+ None interactorPopSource1: electrons1 None interactorSpeedUp1: 1.0 [-] interactorType1: CathodeSpot None photoElectronTemperature: 2.0 [eV] photoEmission: 0 None protonSecondaryDensification: 1.0 [-] protonSecondaryEmission: 0 None protonSecondaryTemperature: 2.0 [eV] secondaryDt: -1.0 [s] secondarySpeedUp: 1.0 [-] sunX: 0.0 [-] sunY: 0.0 [-] sunZ: 1.0 [-] surfaceConductivity: 0 None volumeConductivity: 0 None secondarySpeedUP: 1.0 [-] duration: 4.0E-4 [s] fixedDt: 0 [-] fixedSimulationDtFlag: 0 None noCurrentScalerFlag: 0 None plasmaDt: 0.0 [s] plasmaDuration: 1.0E-5 [s] plasmaSpeedUp: 1.0 [-] plasmaUnderRelaxTimeCstt: 0.0 [s] scenario: Scenario None simulationDt: 0.0 [s] simulationDtInit: 0.01 [s] simulationDtMaxFactor: 2.0 [s] plasmaSpeedUp: 1.0 [-] circuitSolverMode: 0 None CSat: 1.0E-11 [F] electricCircuitFilename: circuit.txt None electricCircuitIntegrate: 1 None exactCSat: 0.0 [-] implicitCircuitSolver: 0 None initPot: 0.0 [V] initPotFlag: 1 None scVeloCrossBFlag: 1 [-] scVeloX: 0.0 [m/s] scVeloY: 0.0 [m/s] scVeloZ: 0.0 [m/s] smoothingI: 0.0 None smoothingPot: 2.0 [-] validityRenormalisation: 0.5 [-] 2014-08-26 15:35:28,987 DEBUG BundleController:Project [CommandLogLevel.java:42] Saving SPIS project - null 2014-08-26 15:35:30,684 TRACE BundleController:Global Parameters [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Copy the electrical circuit from Spis model to Spis Num directory - null 2014-08-26 15:35:30,802 DEBUG BundleController:SPIS Model [CommandLogLevel.java:42] Trigger transition - org.spis.ui.transition.global.parameters.next 2014-08-26 15:35:30,805 DEBUG BundleController:UI2NUM [CommandLogLevel.java:42] Invalidate the simulation-related data - null 2014-08-26 15:35:30,807 DEBUG o.k.c.s.i.SCXMLStateMachine [SCXMLStateMachine.java:230] Leaving state: org.spis.ui.global.parameters 2014-08-26 15:35:30,808 TRACE BundleController:Project [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Enable home button - true 2014-08-26 15:35:30,808 TRACE BundleController:Project [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Enable project configuration button - true 2014-08-26 15:35:30,809 TRACE BundleController:Geometry Editor [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Enable the geometry editor button - true 2014-08-26 15:35:30,810 TRACE BundleController:Mesh Editor [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Enable the mesh editor button - true 2014-08-26 15:35:30,810 TRACE BundleController:Group Editor [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Enable the group editor button - true 2014-08-26 15:35:30,814 TRACE BundleController:Electrical circuit [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Enable the mesh editor button - true 2014-08-26 15:35:30,815 TRACE BundleController:Global Parameters [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Enable the global parameters editor button - true 2014-08-26 15:35:30,815 TRACE BundleController:Simulation [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Enable the simulation button - true 2014-08-26 15:35:30,816 TRACE BundleController:Simulation [CommandLogLevel.java:39] Displays the simulation panel - null 2014-08-26 15:35:30,817 DEBUG BundleController:Simulation [CommandLogLevel.java:42] Clean output folders - null 2014-08-26 15:35:30,842 DEBUG BundleController:UI2NUM [CommandLogLevel.java:42] Converting data for numerical kernel - null 2014-08-26 15:35:31,332 DEBUG BundleController:UI2NUM [CommandLogLevel.java:42] NASCAP Materials To SPIS-NUM materials converter - Ordered group list: Group: VertexGroup / Id: 59 Type: External boundary group Property: Plasma population BC: Boundary, default / Id:1 Property: Electric field BC: Boundary, default / Id:0 Property: Mesh Model Boundary, default / Id:1 Group: EdgeGroup / Id: 60 Type: External boundary group Property: Plasma population BC: Boundary, default / Id:1 Property: Electric field BC: Boundary, default / Id:0 Property: Mesh Model Boundary, default / Id:1 Group: FaceGroup / Id: 56 Type: Spacecraft surface group Property: Plasma Population BC - Spacecraft default / Id:2 Property: Spacecraft ground (ElecNode-0) / Id:0 Property: Default conductivity model - Spacecraft default / Id:0 Property: Electric Field BC - Spacecraft default / Id:1 Property: Macroscopic Characteristics - Spacecraft default / Id:0 Property: Default - No thin elements / Id:0 Property: No source - Spacecraft default / Id:0 Property: CONT material properties / Id:27 Property: Mesh Model - Spacecraft default / Id:5 Property: No Actual Instrument Support / Id:4 Group: FaceGroup / Id: 57 Type: External boundary group Property: Plasma population BC: Boundary, default / Id:1 Property: Electric field BC: Boundary, default / Id:0 Property: Mesh Model Boundary, default / Id:1 Group: VolumeGroup / Id: 58 Type: Computational volume group Property: Plasma Model in Volume, default / Id:0 Property: Mesh Model Volume, default / Id:3 2014-08-26 15:35:31,333 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:303] Property CONT material properties is of type S/C material 2014-08-26 15:35:31,333 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:309] Sub-property CONT material properties of id 28 is of type Material properties 2014-08-26 15:35:31,334 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:165] Characteristic Name: BUC 2014-08-26 15:35:31,334 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:167] Of type: Double 2014-08-26 15:35:31,337 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:165] Characteristic Name: MAD 2014-08-26 15:35:31,337 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:167] Of type: Double 2014-08-26 15:35:31,337 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:165] Characteristic Name: PEE 2014-08-26 15:35:31,337 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:167] Of type: Double 2014-08-26 15:35:31,337 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:165] Characteristic Name: DMT 2014-08-26 15:35:31,338 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:167] Of type: Double 2014-08-26 15:35:31,338 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:165] Characteristic Name: IPE 2014-08-26 15:35:31,338 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:167] Of type: Double 2014-08-26 15:35:31,338 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:165] Characteristic Name: SRE 2014-08-26 15:35:31,338 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:167] Of type: Double 2014-08-26 15:35:31,338 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:165] Characteristic Name: PEY 2014-08-26 15:35:31,338 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:167] Of type: Double 2014-08-26 15:35:31,338 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:165] Characteristic Name: RPR2 2014-08-26 15:35:31,339 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:167] Of type: Double 2014-08-26 15:35:31,339 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:165] Characteristic Name: MAP 2014-08-26 15:35:31,339 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:167] Of type: Double 2014-08-26 15:35:31,339 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:165] Characteristic Name: RPR1 2014-08-26 15:35:31,339 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:167] Of type: Double 2014-08-26 15:35:31,339 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:165] Characteristic Name: ATN 2014-08-26 15:35:31,339 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:167] Of type: Double 2014-08-26 15:35:31,339 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:165] Characteristic Name: MSEY 2014-08-26 15:35:31,340 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:167] Of type: Double 2014-08-26 15:35:31,340 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:165] Characteristic Name: MPD 2014-08-26 15:35:31,340 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:167] Of type: Double 2014-08-26 15:35:31,340 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:165] Characteristic Name: RCP 2014-08-26 15:35:31,340 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:167] Of type: Double 2014-08-26 15:35:31,340 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:165] Characteristic Name: SEY 2014-08-26 15:35:31,340 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:167] Of type: Double 2014-08-26 15:35:31,340 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:165] Characteristic Name: RPN1 2014-08-26 15:35:31,340 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:167] Of type: Double 2014-08-26 15:35:31,341 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:165] Characteristic Name: RCC 2014-08-26 15:35:31,341 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:167] Of type: Double 2014-08-26 15:35:31,341 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:165] Characteristic Name: RPN2 2014-08-26 15:35:31,341 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:167] Of type: Double 2014-08-26 15:35:31,341 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:165] Characteristic Name: RDC 2014-08-26 15:35:31,341 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:167] Of type: Double 2014-08-26 15:35:31,342 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:328] Sorting SpisNum ParamSet... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,342 TRACE o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:342] DONE 2014-08-26 15:35:31,343 INFO o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:366] MatTypeIdOnEdge is remapped 2014-08-26 15:35:31,344 INFO o.s.u.u.c.NascapMaterialsConverterCommand [NascapMaterialsConverterCommand.java:366] MatTypeId is remapped 2014-08-26 15:35:31,356 DEBUG BundleController:UI2NUM [CommandLogLevel.java:42] Converting data for numerical kernel - [spis.Surf.SurfInteract.GenericParamSet@6ed89588] 2014-08-26 15:35:31,356 INFO o.s.u.u.c.NumTopFromUICommand [NumTopFromUICommand.java:135] DataField mapping table reset with built-in values. 2014-08-26 15:35:31,401 INFO o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:193] XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 2014-08-26 15:35:31,401 INFO o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:194] X TEST X 2014-08-26 15:35:31,401 INFO o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:195] XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 2014-08-26 15:35:31,435 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] EDGE RADIUS LENGTH = 1161 2014-08-26 15:35:31,469 INFO o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:446] No STG found! 2014-08-26 15:35:31,477 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] EDGE RADIUS LENGTH = 1212 2014-08-26 15:35:31,734 INFO o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:329] Extracting GlobalParameters... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,754 INFO o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:331] DONE 2014-08-26 15:35:31,755 INFO o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:333] Building LocalParameters... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,755 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:602] Mapping localParameter on volume mesh: VolInteracFlag... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,756 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Unit1.parse warning: unit [] not recognized => considered as dimensionless 2014-08-26 15:35:31,757 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter VolInteracFlag, with mesh of type spis.Vol.VolMesh.ThreeDUnstructVolMesh, unit defined as [] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,757 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:607] Mapped and stored as VolInteracFlag 2014-08-26 15:35:31,757 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:602] Mapping localParameter on volume mesh: BackGroundDens... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,758 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter BackGroundDens, with mesh of type spis.Vol.VolMesh.ThreeDUnstructVolMesh, unit defined as [m-3] and understood as m-3 2014-08-26 15:35:31,758 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:607] Mapped and stored as BackGroundDens 2014-08-26 15:35:31,759 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:632] DataField: EdgeFlag found and registered, but excluded from the mapping. 2014-08-26 15:35:31,759 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:632] DataField: NodeFlag found and registered, but excluded from the mapping. 2014-08-26 15:35:31,759 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:632] DataField: Xyz found and registered, but excluded from the mapping. 2014-08-26 15:35:31,759 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:632] DataField: SurfFlag found and registered, but excluded from the mapping. 2014-08-26 15:35:31,759 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:618] Mapping LocalParameter on boundary surface mesh: OutgoPart... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,759 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Unit1.parse warning: unit [] not recognized => considered as dimensionless 2014-08-26 15:35:31,759 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter OutgoPart, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,760 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 744 not eq. 744 2014-08-26 15:35:31,760 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:622] Mapped and stored as OutgoPart 2014-08-26 15:35:31,760 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:618] Mapping LocalParameter on boundary surface mesh: IncomPart... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,760 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Unit1.parse warning: unit [] not recognized => considered as dimensionless 2014-08-26 15:35:31,760 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter IncomPart, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,761 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 744 not eq. 744 2014-08-26 15:35:31,761 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:622] Mapped and stored as IncomPart 2014-08-26 15:35:31,761 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:632] DataField: NodeFlagBd found and registered, but excluded from the mapping. 2014-08-26 15:35:31,761 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:618] Mapping LocalParameter on boundary surface mesh: BdFourValue... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,761 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter BdFourValue, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [V/m] and understood as m-1.V 2014-08-26 15:35:31,761 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 465 not eq. 465 2014-08-26 15:35:31,761 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:622] Mapped and stored as BdFourValue 2014-08-26 15:35:31,762 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:618] Mapping LocalParameter on boundary surface mesh: BdFourFlag... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,762 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Unit1.parse warning: unit [] not recognized => considered as dimensionless 2014-08-26 15:35:31,762 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter BdFourFlag, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,762 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 744 not eq. 744 2014-08-26 15:35:31,762 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:622] Mapped and stored as BdFourFlag 2014-08-26 15:35:31,762 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:618] Mapping LocalParameter on boundary surface mesh: BdFourAlpha... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,762 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter BdFourAlpha, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [m-1] and understood as m-1 2014-08-26 15:35:31,763 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 744 not eq. 744 2014-08-26 15:35:31,763 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:622] Mapped and stored as BdFourAlpha 2014-08-26 15:35:31,763 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:618] Mapping LocalParameter on boundary surface mesh: BdDiriPot... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,763 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter BdDiriPot, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [V] and understood as V 2014-08-26 15:35:31,763 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 465 not eq. 465 2014-08-26 15:35:31,763 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:622] Mapped and stored as BdDiriPot 2014-08-26 15:35:31,763 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:618] Mapping LocalParameter on boundary surface mesh: BdDiriFlag... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,764 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Unit1.parse warning: unit [] not recognized => considered as dimensionless 2014-08-26 15:35:31,764 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter BdDiriFlag, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,764 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 465 not eq. 465 2014-08-26 15:35:31,764 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:622] Mapped and stored as BdDiriFlag 2014-08-26 15:35:31,764 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:632] DataField: SurfFlagBd found and registered, but excluded from the mapping. 2014-08-26 15:35:31,764 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:632] DataField: XyzBd found and registered, but excluded from the mapping. 2014-08-26 15:35:31,765 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:632] DataField: EdgeFlagBd found and registered, but excluded from the mapping. 2014-08-26 15:35:31,765 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: ImposedEmittedCurrentFlagOnWire... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,765 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Unit1.parse warning: unit [] not recognized => considered as dimensionless 2014-08-26 15:35:31,765 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter ImposedEmittedCurrentFlagOnWire, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,765 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 1161 not eq. 1161 2014-08-26 15:35:31,765 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as ImposedEmittedCurrentFlagOnWire 2014-08-26 15:35:31,766 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: ImposedCollectedCurrentDensityOnWire... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,766 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter ImposedCollectedCurrentDensityOnWire, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [A/m2] and understood as m-2.A 2014-08-26 15:35:31,766 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 1161 not eq. 1161 2014-08-26 15:35:31,766 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as ImposedCollectedCurrentDensityOnWire 2014-08-26 15:35:31,766 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: ElecSecEmisOnWire... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,767 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Unit1.parse warning: unit [] not recognized => considered as dimensionless 2014-08-26 15:35:31,767 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter ElecSecEmisOnWire, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,767 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 1161 not eq. 1161 2014-08-26 15:35:31,767 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as ElecSecEmisOnWire 2014-08-26 15:35:31,767 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: ImposedEmittedCurrentFlag... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,767 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Unit1.parse warning: unit [] not recognized => considered as dimensionless 2014-08-26 15:35:31,767 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter ImposedEmittedCurrentFlag, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,768 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 774 not eq. 774 2014-08-26 15:35:31,768 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as ImposedEmittedCurrentFlag 2014-08-26 15:35:31,768 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: ImposedEmittedCurrentDensity... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,768 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter ImposedEmittedCurrentDensity, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [A/m2] and understood as m-2.A 2014-08-26 15:35:31,768 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 774 not eq. 774 2014-08-26 15:35:31,768 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as ImposedEmittedCurrentDensity 2014-08-26 15:35:31,768 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: ImposedCollectedCurrentFlagOnWire... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,768 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Unit1.parse warning: unit [] not recognized => considered as dimensionless 2014-08-26 15:35:31,769 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter ImposedCollectedCurrentFlagOnWire, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,769 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 1161 not eq. 1161 2014-08-26 15:35:31,769 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as ImposedCollectedCurrentFlagOnWire 2014-08-26 15:35:31,769 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: ProtSecEmis... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,769 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Unit1.parse warning: unit [] not recognized => considered as dimensionless 2014-08-26 15:35:31,769 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter ProtSecEmis, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,769 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 774 not eq. 774 2014-08-26 15:35:31,769 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as ProtSecEmis 2014-08-26 15:35:31,770 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: ImposedCollectedCurrentFlag... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,770 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Unit1.parse warning: unit [] not recognized => considered as dimensionless 2014-08-26 15:35:31,770 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter ImposedCollectedCurrentFlag, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,770 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 774 not eq. 774 2014-08-26 15:35:31,770 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as ImposedCollectedCurrentFlag 2014-08-26 15:35:31,770 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: ImposedEmittedCurrentDensityOnWire... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,770 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter ImposedEmittedCurrentDensityOnWire, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [A/m2] and understood as m-2.A 2014-08-26 15:35:31,771 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 1161 not eq. 1161 2014-08-26 15:35:31,771 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as ImposedEmittedCurrentDensityOnWire 2014-08-26 15:35:31,771 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: ProtSecEmisOnWire... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,771 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Unit1.parse warning: unit [] not recognized => considered as dimensionless 2014-08-26 15:35:31,771 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter ProtSecEmisOnWire, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,771 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 1161 not eq. 1161 2014-08-26 15:35:31,771 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as ProtSecEmisOnWire 2014-08-26 15:35:31,771 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: ElecSecEmis... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,772 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Unit1.parse warning: unit [] not recognized => considered as dimensionless 2014-08-26 15:35:31,772 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter ElecSecEmis, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,772 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 774 not eq. 774 2014-08-26 15:35:31,772 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as ElecSecEmis 2014-08-26 15:35:31,772 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: PhotoEmisOnWire... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,772 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Unit1.parse warning: unit [] not recognized => considered as dimensionless 2014-08-26 15:35:31,772 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter PhotoEmisOnWire, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,773 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 1161 not eq. 1161 2014-08-26 15:35:31,773 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as PhotoEmisOnWire 2014-08-26 15:35:31,773 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: ImposedCollectedCurrentDensity... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,773 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter ImposedCollectedCurrentDensity, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [A/m2] and understood as m-2.A 2014-08-26 15:35:31,773 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 774 not eq. 774 2014-08-26 15:35:31,773 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as ImposedCollectedCurrentDensity 2014-08-26 15:35:31,773 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: SunFluxOnWire... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,774 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter SunFluxOnWire, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [-] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,774 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 1161 not eq. 1161 2014-08-26 15:35:31,774 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as SunFluxOnWire 2014-08-26 15:35:31,774 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: PhotoEmis... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,775 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Unit1.parse warning: unit [] not recognized => considered as dimensionless 2014-08-26 15:35:31,775 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter PhotoEmis, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,775 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 774 not eq. 774 2014-08-26 15:35:31,775 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as PhotoEmis 2014-08-26 15:35:31,775 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: SunFlux... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,775 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter SunFlux, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [-] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,776 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 774 not eq. 774 2014-08-26 15:35:31,776 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as SunFlux 2014-08-26 15:35:31,776 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: ElecNodeId... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,776 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Unit1.parse warning: unit [] not recognized => considered as dimensionless 2014-08-26 15:35:31,776 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter ElecNodeId, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,777 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 774 not eq. 774 2014-08-26 15:35:31,777 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as ElecNodeId 2014-08-26 15:35:31,777 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: EdgeElecNodeId... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,777 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Unit1.parse warning: unit [] not recognized => considered as dimensionless 2014-08-26 15:35:31,777 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter EdgeElecNodeId, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,777 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 1161 not eq. 1161 2014-08-26 15:35:31,777 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as EdgeElecNodeId 2014-08-26 15:35:31,778 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: VolConduct... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,778 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Unit1.parse warning: unit [] not recognized => considered as dimensionless 2014-08-26 15:35:31,778 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter VolConduct, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,778 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 774 not eq. 774 2014-08-26 15:35:31,778 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as VolConduct 2014-08-26 15:35:31,778 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: IndConduct... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,779 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Unit1.parse warning: unit [] not recognized => considered as dimensionless 2014-08-26 15:35:31,779 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter IndConduct, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,779 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 774 not eq. 774 2014-08-26 15:35:31,779 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as IndConduct 2014-08-26 15:35:31,779 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: SurfConduct... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,779 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Unit1.parse warning: unit [] not recognized => considered as dimensionless 2014-08-26 15:35:31,779 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter SurfConduct, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,780 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 774 not eq. 774 2014-08-26 15:35:31,780 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as SurfConduct 2014-08-26 15:35:31,780 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: SCFourAlpha... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,780 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter SCFourAlpha, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [m-1] and understood as m-1 2014-08-26 15:35:31,780 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 774 not eq. 774 2014-08-26 15:35:31,780 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as SCFourAlpha 2014-08-26 15:35:31,781 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: SCDiriFlag... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,781 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Unit1.parse warning: unit [] not recognized => considered as dimensionless 2014-08-26 15:35:31,781 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter SCDiriFlag, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,781 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 389 not eq. 389 2014-08-26 15:35:31,781 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as SCDiriFlag 2014-08-26 15:35:31,781 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: SCFourValue... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,781 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter SCFourValue, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [V/m] and understood as m-1.V 2014-08-26 15:35:31,781 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 389 not eq. 389 2014-08-26 15:35:31,781 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as SCFourValue 2014-08-26 15:35:31,782 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: SCDiriPot... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,782 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter SCDiriPot, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [V] and understood as V 2014-08-26 15:35:31,782 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 389 not eq. 389 2014-08-26 15:35:31,782 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as SCDiriPot 2014-08-26 15:35:31,782 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: SCFourFlag... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,782 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Unit1.parse warning: unit [] not recognized => considered as dimensionless 2014-08-26 15:35:31,782 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter SCFourFlag, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,783 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 774 not eq. 774 2014-08-26 15:35:31,783 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as SCFourFlag 2014-08-26 15:35:31,783 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: SCDiriPotSurf... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,783 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter SCDiriPotSurf, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [V] and understood as V 2014-08-26 15:35:31,783 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 774 not eq. 774 2014-08-26 15:35:31,783 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as SCDiriPotSurf 2014-08-26 15:35:31,783 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: SCDiriPotEdge... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,783 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter SCDiriPotEdge, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [V] and understood as V 2014-08-26 15:35:31,783 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 1161 not eq. 1161 2014-08-26 15:35:31,784 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as SCDiriPotEdge 2014-08-26 15:35:31,784 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: Temperature... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,784 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter Temperature, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [K] and understood as K 2014-08-26 15:35:31,784 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 774 not eq. 774 2014-08-26 15:35:31,784 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as Temperature 2014-08-26 15:35:31,784 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: MatThickness... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,784 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter MatThickness, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [m] and understood as m 2014-08-26 15:35:31,784 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 774 not eq. 774 2014-08-26 15:35:31,785 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as MatThickness 2014-08-26 15:35:31,785 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: EdgeRadiusS... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,785 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter EdgeRadiusS, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [m] and understood as m 2014-08-26 15:35:31,785 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 1161 not eq. 1161 2014-08-26 15:35:31,785 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as EdgeRadiusS 2014-08-26 15:35:31,785 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: SurfThicknessS... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,785 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter SurfThicknessS, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [m] and understood as m 2014-08-26 15:35:31,785 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 774 not eq. 774 2014-08-26 15:35:31,786 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as SurfThicknessS 2014-08-26 15:35:31,786 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: SourceMachOnWire... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,786 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter SourceMachOnWire, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [-] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,786 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 1161 not eq. 1161 2014-08-26 15:35:31,786 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as SourceMachOnWire 2014-08-26 15:35:31,786 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: SourceMach... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,786 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter SourceMach, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [-] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,786 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 774 not eq. 774 2014-08-26 15:35:31,787 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as SourceMach 2014-08-26 15:35:31,787 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: SourceIdOnWire... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,787 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Unit1.parse warning: unit [] not recognized => considered as dimensionless 2014-08-26 15:35:31,787 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter SourceIdOnWire, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,787 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 1161 not eq. 1161 2014-08-26 15:35:31,787 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as SourceIdOnWire 2014-08-26 15:35:31,787 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: SourceTemp... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,788 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter SourceTemp, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [eV] and understood as eV 2014-08-26 15:35:31,788 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 774 not eq. 774 2014-08-26 15:35:31,788 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as SourceTemp 2014-08-26 15:35:31,788 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: SourceCurrent... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,788 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter SourceCurrent, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [A/m2] and understood as m-2.A 2014-08-26 15:35:31,788 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 774 not eq. 774 2014-08-26 15:35:31,788 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as SourceCurrent 2014-08-26 15:35:31,789 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: SourceId... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,789 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Unit1.parse warning: unit [] not recognized => considered as dimensionless 2014-08-26 15:35:31,789 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter SourceId, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,789 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 774 not eq. 774 2014-08-26 15:35:31,789 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as SourceId 2014-08-26 15:35:31,789 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: SourceIdOnWire... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,789 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter SourceIdOnWire, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [A/m2] and understood as m-2.A 2014-08-26 15:35:31,790 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 1161 not eq. 1161 2014-08-26 15:35:31,790 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as SourceIdOnWire 2014-08-26 15:35:31,790 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: SourceTempOnWire... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,790 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter SourceTempOnWire, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [eV] and understood as eV 2014-08-26 15:35:31,790 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 1161 not eq. 1161 2014-08-26 15:35:31,790 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as SourceTempOnWire 2014-08-26 15:35:31,790 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: MatModelId... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,791 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter MatModelId, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [-] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,791 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 774 not eq. 774 2014-08-26 15:35:31,791 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as MatModelId 2014-08-26 15:35:31,791 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: MatModelIdOnEdge... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,791 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter MatModelIdOnEdge, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [-] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,791 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 1161 not eq. 1161 2014-08-26 15:35:31,791 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as MatModelIdOnEdge 2014-08-26 15:35:31,791 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:632] DataField: MatTypeIdOnEdge found and registered, but excluded from the mapping. 2014-08-26 15:35:31,791 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:632] DataField: MatTypeId found and registered, but excluded from the mapping. 2014-08-26 15:35:31,792 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:632] DataField: EdgeFlagS found and registered, but excluded from the mapping. 2014-08-26 15:35:31,792 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:632] DataField: SurfFlagS found and registered, but excluded from the mapping. 2014-08-26 15:35:31,792 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:632] DataField: NodeFlags found and registered, but excluded from the mapping. 2014-08-26 15:35:31,792 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:632] DataField: XyzS found and registered, but excluded from the mapping. 2014-08-26 15:35:31,792 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: InstrumentSupport... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,792 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Unit1.parse warning: unit [] not recognized => considered as dimensionless 2014-08-26 15:35:31,792 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter InstrumentSupport, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,792 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 774 not eq. 774 2014-08-26 15:35:31,792 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as InstrumentSupport 2014-08-26 15:35:31,793 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: MatTypeIdOnEdge... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,793 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter MatTypeIdOnEdge, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [-] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,793 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 1161 not eq. 1161 2014-08-26 15:35:31,793 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as MatTypeIdOnEdge 2014-08-26 15:35:31,793 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: MatTypeId... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,793 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter MatTypeId, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [-] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,793 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 774 not eq. 774 2014-08-26 15:35:31,793 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as MatTypeId 2014-08-26 15:35:31,794 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: MatTypeIdOnEdge... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,794 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter MatTypeIdOnEdge, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [-] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,794 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 1161 not eq. 1161 2014-08-26 15:35:31,794 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as MatTypeIdOnEdge 2014-08-26 15:35:31,794 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:610] Mapping LocalParameter on S/C surface mesh: MatTypeId... 2014-08-26 15:35:31,794 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] building local parameter MatTypeId, with mesh of type spis.Surf.SurfMesh.ThreeDUnstructSurfMesh, unit defined as [-] and understood as 2014-08-26 15:35:31,794 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] -> 774 not eq. 774 2014-08-26 15:35:31,794 TRACE o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:614] Mapped and stored as MatTypeId 2014-08-26 15:35:31,883 INFO o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:335] DONE 2014-08-26 15:35:31,884 INFO o.s.u.u.u.Ui2Num [Ui2Num.java:346] No STG attributed to VolMesh 2014-08-26 15:35:31,914 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] opening log file for SPIS/NUM: /Users/ccheung/Desktop/SPIS/Spis-5.1.6/SphereValidation.spis5/Validation1/Simulations/Run1/NumKernel/Output/SpisNum.log 2014-08-26 15:35:31,914 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Default output path for SPIS/NUM set to /Users/ccheung/Desktop/SPIS/Spis-5.1.6/SphereValidation.spis5/Validation1/Simulations/Run1/NumKernel/Output/ 2014-08-26 15:35:31,914 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Default input path for SPIS/NUM set to /Users/ccheung/Desktop/SPIS/Spis-5.1.6/SphereValidation.spis5/Validation1/Simulations/Run1/NumKernel/Input/ 2014-08-26 15:35:31,915 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Serialising object of type [Lspis.Top.Default.GlobalParameter; in file /Users/ccheung/Desktop/SPIS/Spis-5.1.6/SphereValidation.spis5/Validation1/Simulations/Run1/NumKernel/Output/globalParOut.gp 2014-08-26 15:35:31,947 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Serialising object of type [Lspis.Top.Default.LocalParameter; in file /Users/ccheung/Desktop/SPIS/Spis-5.1.6/SphereValidation.spis5/Validation1/Simulations/Run1/NumKernel/Output/localParOut.lp 2014-08-26 15:35:32,200 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Serialising object of type [Lspis.Surf.SurfInteract.GenericParamSet; in file /Users/ccheung/Desktop/SPIS/Spis-5.1.6/SphereValidation.spis5/Validation1/Simulations/Run1/NumKernel/Output/genericParamSetsOut.gps 2014-08-26 15:35:32,205 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Starting building simulation from UI parameters 2014-08-26 15:35:32,206 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:373] Parameter spisGEO not found in global parameter list = returning default value: 2014-08-26 15:35:32,206 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:373] 0 2014-08-26 15:35:32,206 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] 2014-08-26 15:35:32,206 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 0 is VolInteracFlag 2014-08-26 15:35:32,207 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 1 is BackGroundDens 2014-08-26 15:35:32,207 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 2 is OutgoPart 2014-08-26 15:35:32,207 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 3 is IncomPart 2014-08-26 15:35:32,207 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 4 is BdFourValue 2014-08-26 15:35:32,207 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 5 is BdFourFlag 2014-08-26 15:35:32,207 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 6 is BdFourAlpha 2014-08-26 15:35:32,208 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 7 is BdDiriPot 2014-08-26 15:35:32,208 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 8 is BdDiriFlag 2014-08-26 15:35:32,208 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 9 is ImposedEmittedCurrentFlagOnWire 2014-08-26 15:35:32,208 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 10 is ImposedCollectedCurrentDensityOnWire 2014-08-26 15:35:32,208 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 11 is ElecSecEmisOnWire 2014-08-26 15:35:32,208 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 12 is ImposedEmittedCurrentFlag 2014-08-26 15:35:32,209 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 13 is ImposedEmittedCurrentDensity 2014-08-26 15:35:32,209 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 14 is ImposedCollectedCurrentFlagOnWire 2014-08-26 15:35:32,209 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 15 is ProtSecEmis 2014-08-26 15:35:32,209 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 16 is ImposedCollectedCurrentFlag 2014-08-26 15:35:32,209 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 17 is ImposedEmittedCurrentDensityOnWire 2014-08-26 15:35:32,210 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 18 is ProtSecEmisOnWire 2014-08-26 15:35:32,210 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 19 is ElecSecEmis 2014-08-26 15:35:32,210 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 20 is PhotoEmisOnWire 2014-08-26 15:35:32,210 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 21 is ImposedCollectedCurrentDensity 2014-08-26 15:35:32,210 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 22 is SunFluxOnWire 2014-08-26 15:35:32,211 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 23 is PhotoEmis 2014-08-26 15:35:32,211 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 24 is SunFlux 2014-08-26 15:35:32,212 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 25 is ElecNodeId 2014-08-26 15:35:32,212 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 26 is EdgeElecNodeId 2014-08-26 15:35:32,212 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 27 is VolConduct 2014-08-26 15:35:32,213 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 28 is IndConduct 2014-08-26 15:35:32,213 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 29 is SurfConduct 2014-08-26 15:35:32,213 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 30 is SCFourAlpha 2014-08-26 15:35:32,213 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 31 is SCDiriFlag 2014-08-26 15:35:32,213 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 32 is SCFourValue 2014-08-26 15:35:32,213 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 33 is SCDiriPot 2014-08-26 15:35:32,214 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 34 is SCFourFlag 2014-08-26 15:35:32,214 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 35 is SCDiriPotSurf 2014-08-26 15:35:32,214 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 36 is SCDiriPotEdge 2014-08-26 15:35:32,214 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 37 is Temperature 2014-08-26 15:35:32,214 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 38 is MatThickness 2014-08-26 15:35:32,214 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 39 is EdgeRadiusS 2014-08-26 15:35:32,215 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 40 is SurfThicknessS 2014-08-26 15:35:32,215 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 41 is SourceMachOnWire 2014-08-26 15:35:32,215 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 42 is SourceMach 2014-08-26 15:35:32,215 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 43 is SourceIdOnWire 2014-08-26 15:35:32,215 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 44 is SourceTemp 2014-08-26 15:35:32,216 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 45 is SourceCurrent 2014-08-26 15:35:32,216 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 46 is SourceId 2014-08-26 15:35:32,216 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 47 is SourceIdOnWire 2014-08-26 15:35:32,216 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 48 is SourceTempOnWire 2014-08-26 15:35:32,216 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 49 is MatModelId 2014-08-26 15:35:32,216 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 50 is MatModelIdOnEdge 2014-08-26 15:35:32,217 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 51 is InstrumentSupport 2014-08-26 15:35:32,217 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 52 is MatTypeIdOnEdge 2014-08-26 15:35:32,217 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 53 is MatTypeId 2014-08-26 15:35:32,217 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 54 is MatTypeIdOnEdge 2014-08-26 15:35:32,217 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Local parameter Id 55 is MatTypeId 2014-08-26 15:35:32,219 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] Simulation was built from UI parameters 2014-08-26 15:35:32,219 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] spacecraft surface : 12.463151m2 2014-08-26 15:35:32,220 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:373] Parameter magnetizedPlasmaFlag not found in global parameter list = returning default value: 2014-08-26 15:35:32,220 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:373] 1 2014-08-26 15:35:32,220 INFO s.U.i.SpisIO [SpisIO.java:335] 2014-08-26 15:35:32,288 ERROR o.s.u.u.c.NumTopFromUICommand [NumTopFromUICommand.java:193] Error in UI2NUM java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0 at spis.Solver.Poisson.PoissonInit.quicksort(PoissonInit.java:150) ~[na:na] at spis.Solver.Poisson.PoissonInit.renumcklb(PoissonInit.java:225) ~[na:na] at spis.Solver.Poisson.PoissonInit.cuthilMackee(PoissonInit.java:91) ~[na:na] at spis.Solver.Poisson.ConjGrad3DUnstructPoissonSolver.init(ConjGrad3DUnstructPoissonSolver.java:332) ~[na:na] at spis.Solver.Poisson.ConjGrad3DUnstructPoissonSolver.(ConjGrad3DUnstructPoissonSolver.java:185) ~[na:na] at spis.Top.Simulation.SimulationFromUIParams.init(SimulationFromUIParams.java:933) ~[org-spis-num-sci-geo-5.1.6.jar:5.1.6] at spis.Top.Simulation.SimulationFromUIParams.(SimulationFromUIParams.java:438) ~[org-spis-num-sci-geo-5.1.6.jar:5.1.6] at spis.Top.Top.NumTopFromUI.(NumTopFromUI.java:157) ~[org-spis-num-sci-geo-5.1.6.jar:5.1.6] at org.spis.ui.ui2num.util.Ui2Num.buildNumTopFromUI(Ui2Num.java:355) ~[org-spis-ui-ui2num-5.1.6.jar:na] at org.spis.ui.ui2num.command.NumTopFromUICommand.run(NumTopFromUICommand.java:162) [org-spis-ui-ui2num-5.1.6.jar:na] at org.spis.ui.ui2num.command.NumTopFromUICommand.run(NumTopFromUICommand.java:52) [org-spis-ui-ui2num-5.1.6.jar:na] at org.keridwen.core.messaging.AbstractCommand.execute(AbstractCommand.java:200) [org-keridwen-core-messaging-2.0.6.jar:na] at org.keridwen.core.messaging.DefaultBundleController$CallableCommand.call(DefaultBundleController.java:259) [org-keridwen-core-messaging-2.0.6.jar:na] at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(FutureTask.java:303) [na:1.6.0_65] at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:138) [na:1.6.0_65] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:895) [na:1.6.0_65] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:918) [na:1.6.0_65] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:695) [na:1.6.0_65] 2014-08-26 15:35:39,318 DEBUG BundleController:SPIS Model [CommandLogLevel.java:42] Change model state - org.spis.ui.simulation 2014-08-26 15:36:29,405 DEBUG BundleController:Wizard [CommandLogLevel.java:42] Exit - null 2014-08-26 15:36:37,094 DEBUG BundleController:Wizard [CommandLogLevel.java:42] Exit - null